Title of project: Words for Change Project Illuminations

Project Summary:
The purpose of this project is to advocate poetry and art by means of projecting inspirational quotes and images in public spaces i.e.. (Community & School Gardens, Open Spaces, Streetscapes and Private / Municipal locations) This project is eco-friendly in that it requires no paper, glass, plexi or framing hardware.
All that is needed is 110 volts of electricity to cast an image on a wall or building facade. It is mobile and can be made to vary in size, color and intensity.
How will you use the grant towards your project (about $500-$1000?):
This project requires the use of a projectors and various small plates made of metal, film or glass. They vary in cost depending on the material. Projector can range from $239-$3000 dollars. Plates can range from $39- $200 approximately.
How will this project manifest itself in the 2013 Studio Tour (encouraged) and at the next Art Eat Up?
In the 2013 Studio Tour and Art Eat Up I plan on exhibiting my work and a series of short poems or text.
Some of those images and text will be displayed through projections as explained in the section above.