A Pro Arts member exhibition curated by Christy E. O’Connor
This past year has been a tumultuous time, filled with loss, mourning, anger and fear. The collective insecurity and uncertainty brought about by the coronavirus pandemic, political upheaval, and the underpinnings of racial and economic inequity has been a difficult time for many. As we slowly begin to recover from this trauma, we begin anew. Joy seeks to inspire our hopes as we look toward the future for ourselves and as a collective whole; a community from all walks of life, seeking a world that includes everyone. What brings you joy? How can you create joy for others? From a moment of joy captured in time, to joyous experiences you have found, we seek all mediums and representations of joy.
Participating Artists: Luis Alves, K. Brown, RitaMarie Cimini, Dorie Dahlberg, Aaron Dunkel, Jim Fallon, Bennett Gewirtz, Cheryl Gross, Debra F. Livingston, Beatrice Mady, Brian McCormack, Alpana Mittal, Harold Olejarz, Vince Salvati, Joan Sonnenfeld, and Peter Tilgner
August 5 – September 1, 2021