Title of project: Our Disappearing Natural Landscapes
Project Summary:
Documenting the natural landscape that still exists around the Jersey City area. The project will take a close look at natural landscapes that still exists, left untouched by city life and urbanization. This project will also show where urbanization is taking over what is left of our natural fields, lakes and streams
How will you use the grant towards your project (about $500-$1000?):
- The grant will be used to develop film and have prints made for final exhibit.
How will this project manifest itself in the 2013 Studio Tour (encouraged) and at the next Art Eat Up?
I will document these natural landscapes using a medium format film camera, shooting color film. The end result of this project will consist of 15-20 final prints that can be exhibited in one of our local galleries. The project will be also be produced in book form.
Why is this project critical?
To delve into the question; Are we taking care or these natural treasures for ourselves and generations to come, and if not how can we? the pictures attached are not part of this project, but there to give you an idea of how I shoot in the wild.