Title of project: Eco Friendly Stepping Stones
Project Summary:
We would create Eco Friendly Stepping Stones out of recycled materials (for example broken dishes and pottery, leaves and pieces of glass bottles on eco friendly lime plaster.)
How will you use the grant towards your project (about $500-$1000?):
We would use the money to buy the materials needed to create the stepping stones for our Children’s Garden (we maintain it as part of Adopt-a-lot, the garden is situated in front of City Hall)
How will this project manifest itself in the 2013 Studio Tour (encouraged) and at the next Art Eat Up?
The Children’s garden is easily accessible to the public and the stepping stones could be displayed before being properly installed
Why is this project critical?
The members of our group are maintaining this garden with their children and most of them do not have a garden themselves. Creating these sustainable (we would make sure that the highest possible % of recycled materials would be used) would add to the idea of creating a sustainable Jersey City + give thought about recycling to the children. The resulting art would also beautify the garden and give it more color during the fall and winter months.
Thank you for your consideration. Please find an example attached (note that our stepping stones would look similar but not exactly the same because it would depend on the recycled materials we can find.)