The Jersey City Artists’ Studio Tour is a two-day walking tour of artists’ studios, group exhibitions, and art in public spaces. From 1994 to 2013, Pro Arts cosponsored this annual event with the Jersey City Division of Cultural Affairs and corporate sponsors. Attracting more than 2,000 visitors every year, it is the main cultural event of the October Is Art Month celebration. Since 2014 Pro Arts is no longer a sponsor of this event but continues in its long history of participation through organization and sponsorship of major JCAST exhibitions.
Windows on Columbus is a 12-foot-by-22-foot-long window space on Columbus Avenue at Washington Street which features large scale works of art and site-specific installations curated by Eileen Ferara. The exhibition continues in the nearby lobby of the Mack-Cali building. Click here for current exhibition information
CityLife Gallery located at 125 First St., Jersey City, hosts 3 group exhibitions a year curated by artists for artists within the metropolitan community.
Meet the Curators is a yearly event featuring the opportunity for visual artists to meet professional curators for 20 minute one-on-one discussions regarding their work and careers as professional artists. The yearly Curator’s Choice Exhibit is a selection by the curators of the best portfolios reviewed during the event.
PACAS Program is an exhibitions program for empty spaces. It is designed to utilize empty storefronts and corporate spaces for temporary exhibits throughout the Hudson County region.
Exhibition and project grants for group shows and art-related activities in the Jersey City area encourage independent curators to organize visual-arts events. Pro Arts awards small grants and provides support for larger grants through our non-profit status. Advocacy for arts-friendly legislation is a means by which Pro Arts has assisted the City of Jersey City to encourage affordable live/work spaces for artists, as part of the coalition of artists organizations state-wide to ensure public funding for the here to download application mini_grant_form
Art Eat-Up is a new program for funding local artists with small grants for individual projects based on donations collected from dinner guests who come together to eat delicious community meals and vote on proposed projects displayed during the dining here for more info
The Hudson County Art Center is a Pro Arts vision. We are working towards the establishment of a multi-use arts space open to the general public for a variety of events and programming and available for professional artists as studio, rehearsal, meeting and art classroom space. The Center will serve the full roster of Hudson County’s myriad arts groups, particularly grassroots and emerging artists that do not have regular use of a high-quality arts space.
The Pro Arts gallery page allows all member artists to upload images of and information about their work.
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